
I am in Kenya volunteering for Agape in Action. Thanks for checking out my blog, feel free to add your comments!

Monday 10 November 2014

Being a student...

I think the best way to really understand something is to experience it personally.

Although as a teacher I have a fair bit of insight into schooling in Kenya there are doubtless things I I decided to go to school for a day!

I chose a day in the holidays when all other classes were away except form 4 which I didn't have to teach, got myself a school uniform, loaned myself the necessary textbooks and much to the delight of the students I headed along to the form 4 class just to see what it was actually like.

Nine hours later my stomach is grumbling after only having a cup of tea and some maize and beans all day, my head is a whirl of translating skew lines to be on the same plane, the failings of King Saul, the structure
of the DNA molecule, electrolysis of copper 11 sulphate, endangered animals in Kenya and a confused headache from experiencing an hour of Kiswahili grammar (of which I understood 29 words the entire lesson- yes I kept a tally).

I am aware of the anxious rapid heartbeat you instantly get when the Chemistry teacher directs a question at you and you haven't got a clue what he is talking about. The feeling of not completely understanding the Maths teachers geometry diagram but noticing everyone else is nodding and copying it down so you feel like you are the only stupid one who doesn't get it.
The utter confusion when you don't actually understand the language the teacher is speaking in. These are feelings that the students here would experience often!

The education system here requires a lot of hard yards. Eleven subjects for two years and then narrowed down to eight for the next two years followed by 21 examinations at the end of it all. The students here are required to do a lot of memory work and have a lot of motivation to study for something they won't be assessed on officially until four years time.

I don't know how well I'd go in this education system for four years and I'm thankful that I don't have to find out.

After this day I certainly have a new found understanding and respect for all my students.

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