
I am in Kenya volunteering for Agape in Action. Thanks for checking out my blog, feel free to add your comments!

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Farewell Kenya...for now

Jan 1st 2014 Diary entry on flight to Kenya: "Previously I have just been thinking about how to get my luggage there and get organised etc and haven't really though about it all much. But I tell you what, right now it hurts, a year feels like forever and my eyes keep welling up!"

I have lived in Kenya for a year.

I have been called madam, I have been called mum, I have had my phone stolen, my passport stolen, my wallet stolen, I have had students ask me to leave the classroom because I am laughing too loud, I have had a completely sleepless night, I have ran a half marathon, I have carried buckets of water from the well on my head, I have held the hand of a dying girl as we race to hospital, I have seen a fatal hit and run, I have been rammed by a cow, attacked by a chicken, bitten by a dog, I have been guest of honour at many events, I have danced for hours with the kids, I have milked a cow, I have cleaned the inside of rainwater tanks, I have had policemen attempt to arrest me, I have driven a car with no brakes, I have won a running race, I have smeared a whole house floor with cow dung, I have taken minutes in meetings that last an entire day, I have coached a football team, ran a library, taught an unfamiliar curriculum, I have treated over 1400 first aid cases, I have been to hospitals, I have been to funerals, I have eaten roasted maize, boiled maize, maize flour, maize porridge, I have seen children be beaten, I have first aided children who have been beaten, I have made nutrition drink for malnourished children, I have danced with widows, I have been kissed by a giraffe, I have swung off a vine, swum in a waterfall, climbed a mountain, come within two metres of a lion, I have played football, I have dug trenches, I have visited hot springs, I have cried, I have laughed until I cried, I have repaired countless desks, filled countless drinkbottles, issued countless textbooks, said 'I am fine' countless times, I have had malaria, I have had kids throw up on me, I have had bugs make a home in my feet...

But I havn't had enough.

Kenya....Nitarudi! (I will return!)


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