
I am in Kenya volunteering for Agape in Action. Thanks for checking out my blog, feel free to add your comments!

Monday 21 July 2014

Personal Health- Madam Jiggers!

Seeing so many people with complicated and terrible health conditions I have realised how blessed I am to be healthy, fit and strong. However, the first seven months of this year hasn't been without its little health hiccups, early in the year a case of malaria saw me confined to my bed for almost a week, and shortly after a chest infection caused me to leave many of my classes mid coughing fit, however most of the time I have found my bouts of 'sickness' to be more humorous than upsetting.

I had been treating Brian and Julie for a number of days before I ventured to their house. The first time I went there I was in a hurry and foolishly didn't change into covered shoes. Imagine my shock the next day when I notice an itchy swelling on the base of my foot, further exploration resulting in the finding of no less than nine jiggers that have made their home in my feet and under my toenails. Early detection meant I could simply cut them (and their eggs) out rather than needing to soak repeatedly, however, cutting burrowed-in fleas from under ones toenails is definitely not the most pleasant experience. Jiggers have a bit of a stigma in society as it is generally only the poorest and dirtiest that are affected. My students thought my condition and bandaged feet were a great lark and a number took to calling me 'madam jiggers!'.

After a hectic busy day in which I had arrived at school early and then taught nine lessons straight after each other I found I had a thumping headache, I could tell a migraine was coming on as I was dizzy and my vision was starting to cloud.  A couple of girls came to me as I was leaving school and asked me what was wrong. I explained I had a headache and everything looked black, 'but madam!' one of them replied 'we are always black!'.

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