
I am in Kenya volunteering for Agape in Action. Thanks for checking out my blog, feel free to add your comments!

Sunday 23 February 2014

Kenyan Students Schedule

The desire to do well in school and appreciation of the blessing of education is something that comes across very strongly in all the students I teach!
They are acutely aware of the fact that many people can't afford to go to school, and comments are regularly made by the students about how they are so grateful for their sponsorship and they can't wait to finish school and be able to get jobs and help others who are less fortunate.
The daily schedule for students...
The wake up bell rings at 5:30, however many students seem to like to get up prior to this judging by the noises around the compound... They are keen to start their studies for the day.
By 6:15 most students have made their way to the classrooms to begin their self directed study.
Students arriving as the sun rises over the school
At 7:00 they have the first lesson for the day which is a 'remedial' so any teacher can choose to teach a class to make up work or else they continue their self directed work.
7:45-8:15 all students gather for assembly, class group meetings or bible devotion depending on what day it is.
8:15-8:55 Lesson one
8:55-9:35 Lesson  two
9:35-9:45 10 minute break to go to the toilet, get a drink, return library books or just stay in the classroom
9:45-10:25 Lesson three
10:25-11:05 Lesson four
11:05-11:25 Tea break! Black tea with sugar. For many students this is the first sustenance they have had all day. A couple of days a week they will get a donutty kind of thing called a 'mondazi' as well as their tea.
11:25-12:05 Lesson five
12:05-12:45 Lesson six
12:45-1:25 Lunch time :)
For the students this means a bowl of beans and maize (everyday!) some of the wealthier/more fortunate students may have an avocado to mix in for extra flavour.
1:25-2:05 School wide bible studies program. All the students group with their year level and are taught by myself, Greg, Desleigh or someone else from the local ecclesia.
2:05-2:45 Lesson seven
2:45-3:25 Lesson eight
3:25-4:05 Lesson  nine- interestingly I took a geography lesson for Greg this lesson on a Friday and the students were completing a formative worksheet with questions on volcanoes. When the bell went I expected them to throw their pens down and run out the door (as I wanted to do myself) instead they continue working. I explain that it doesn't matter if they haven't finished, I'll just collect what they have done so far, this is met with cries of 'no madam, allow us more time!' Incredible work ethic!!
4:05-4:20 This time is allocated to cleaning classrooms and the school. However with only a few students rostered to clean most go straight to sports or clubs.
An excerpt from one of the students personal timetables.
4:20-5:00 Sports and clubs. Mon, Wed and Friday is sports- we are currently training up soccer, volleyball and netball teams for interschool competition. Clubs include drama, debating, art, journalism, scouts, and Chriatian youth.
The day students then head home.
Other students continue playing sport, will do their washing or else go back to classroom for more study.
Around 7 they have supper. Ugali (maize flour porridge bread) and greens (mostly kale).
As soon as supper is over they meet for night time bible class, with either one of the students or one of us leading the study. Usually this lasts around half an hour depending on how long the 'announcements' go for at the end. Every night there seems to be a lot of missing things that students request be returned to them.
After night time bible study they go back to the classroom to study until bedtime at 10pm.
A looooong day!!!

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